A wealth management client asked us to take valuation data stored within data mart and utilise existing service infrastructure built to expose this data to build a push mechanism. This would be used to populate valuation data into multiple external provider platforms. The first of which was Intelliflo (Intelligent Office).
Outline of the components used to construct
the solution include:
Data Mart: Existing data mart developed as part of a previous phase of work. Utilising Azure SQL Database to hold valuation data sourced from multiple line of business systems via a number of Azure Data Factory jobs.
API APP: Existing API App developed as part of a previous phase of work. Exposes RESTful API providing access to valuation data held within the data mart. Access to the API is via APIM endpoints to ensure data is secure.
Azure Function: Our client wanted scheduled uploading of valuation data to external party’s platform. The initial implementation targeted Intelliflo (Intelligent Office) which offers a number of API’s to support client, portfolio transaction and valuation data. An Azure Function was developed which is triggered daily. The function utilises APIM to acquire valuation data (internal service), map this to external party format and upload using external party API. Development of the Azure Function was undertaken using .NET Core framework and utilised Clean Architecture principles. Azure Durable Function patterns adopted (Chaining, Fan Out/ Fan In) to support long running processes. Automated deployment across multiple environments through the use of Azure DevOps processes.
API Management: Access to both internal and external services is facilitated through APIM. In the case of the Intelliflo API’s, all service endpoints required internally where exposed through APIM. Policies within APIM managed authentication with Intelliflo (OAuth). Further calls were then issued against portfolio and valuation endpoints to upload valuation data. The valuation data held by our client was accessed through an existing API App.
Application Insights: All existing components log telemetry data into Application Insights. Therefore, the Azure Function should utilise structured logging to ensure all events and errors are surfaced through a single consolidated platform. Inline with existing client specific logging guidelines, logging levels are fully configurable to allow the application support team to filter out unnecessary noise from the dashboard. Alerting is used to notify of service outage or errors.
Solution developed to extend our clients existing valuation service. In this particular instance our client’s business stakeholders quickly identified a need to be able to push valuation data out to certain provider platforms.
We were able to quickly engage with our client and the third party (Intelliflo) to architect and develop a solution which was both extendable and made use of our clients existing service stack within Azure. This meant our client was able to reduce development costs and delivery the solution to market in a timely fashion.
IFA’s who use our client’s services to manage client investments are now able to view valuation data within their preferred back office system. The solution currently services over 100 IFA’s each with 1000’s of client valuations.
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